Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Part 1: Self-Directed Warfare - Waging War Starts In Your Own Mind

The Three Steps (and 4 chapters) You Must Take To Become a True Strategist

 1- Declare war on your enemies: The Polarity StrategyClarity is key to waging war. Your main obstacle is yourself-namely your own mind. How you interpret the world around you determines how you see yourself. Declaring war on who you do not want to be, grants you clarity and gives you a true sense of direction. Knowing exactly what you aren't, creates polarity, and also determines what you are.

2 - Do not fight the last war: The Guerrilla-War-of-the-Mind Strategy
The source of nearly all your current and future losses and failures is the persistent memory of past losses and failures. This strategy focuses on identifying and clearing your mind of all ineffective memories, formulas, and strategies. Like an athlete who must always clear the
slate and stay "in the moment" a great strategist must continually invent new ways to overcome his enemies and use his enemy's adherence to habits against them

3 - Amidst the turmoil of events, do not lose your presence of mind: The Counterbalance Strategy
The danger of tunnel-vision. Anyone who has experienced a high-stress situation has felt the overwhelming strain that has the power to cloud the mind and limit your options. This strategy is based entirely on your ability to overcome your emotions and detach yourself from the chaos of the situation you're in.

Knowing this law you can use the chaos to your advantage by attempting to create chaos in the minds of your opponents. Greene argues that as a leader you should train yourself to face your fears by regularly exposing yourself to high-stress and adverse situations that force you out of your comfort zone. You must gain control of your thoughts, imagination, and fears if you want to become a great leader

4 - Create a sense of urgency and desperation: The Death-Ground Strategy
We kill ourselves by thinking of the future and not focusing on the present. You must put pressure upon yourself to perform NOW! Put your back against the wall if you want to perform your best. This is the only way to generate the feeling of urgency and desperation that are so important to high-performance.

Key Thought: "Death is nothing, but to live defeated is to die every day." --Napoleon Bonaparte

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